Subaru Baja Steering Wheel Customization

Subaru Two Toned Leather Steering Wheel Customization

Customizing a Subaru Steering Wheel

Take a look at this Subaru two toned Leather Steering Wheel customization with black Leather top to bottom and Grey leather on the sides that was just created by Craft Customs. This one of a kind Subaru two toned leather steering wheel was so interesting to make. Once we got our hands on this steering wheel, we were able to strip off all of the original leather, and replace it with smooth black leather on the top and bottom and grey leather on the sides.

Once the original Subaru Leather Steering Wheel has been stripped down we spend the next couple days laying out the design of this custom steering wheel and adding the two leather colors to the pattern. The job then moves into our leather department where we put on the custom two toned leather pattern. The job is then moved into our leather stitching department where we hand-stitch each and every steering wheel. We used a black baseball stitch as the customer requested. Check out the awesome Subaru two toned leather steering wheel customization picture above, and then let us know if there is anything we can do for you!


Is your old steering wheel or dash trim damaged? Why not let Craft Customs perform our Steering Wheel Repair Service. We will give them a full steering wheel restoration and make them new again! Our painstaking process makes sure your items are perfect when you receive them back from us.

There is so much more you will fall in love with when you visit our website! Our awesome staff is ready and waiting. We want to answer any question you might have about anything you want done to your vehicles interior. Make sure to ask about the many custom options we offer as well!
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